Hilltopper Athletics

Chardon High School

Girls Varsity Cross Country

Team News
Game Summaries (5)
Girls' XC Dominates at Madison Invite
6.0 years ago | Julie Cole
Hilltoppers Lose: 1 - 0
Girls' XC Shines at Saturday Night Lights
6.0 years ago | Julie Cole
Hilltoppers Lose: 10 - 0
Topper Girls' XC Sweeps JV and Varsity Titles at Walsh Inv.
6.0 years ago | Julie Cole
Hilltoppers Lose: 1 - 0
Girls' XC Wins Kenston Invitational
6.0 years ago | Julie Cole
Hilltoppers Lose: 1 - 0
Girls' XC Wins the Hawken Invitational
6.0 years ago | Julie Cole
Hilltoppers Lose: 1 - 0
News (1)

2019 Girls' XC Sign-Ups & Preseason Meeting

Updated on 06/10/2022

All girls who will be in grades 9-12 in the fall and are interested in running cross country should attend a pre-season meeting on Tuesday, May 28 at 9AM at the track. A short run will follow. 

Also, runners should go to Google Classroom code vwtujp6 and complete the sign-up form. This information will insure that you get all summer info and announcements, and will allow us to order team shirts, etc. in time for Topper Night. 
