Hilltopper Athletics

Chardon High School

Girls Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

Girls' XC Wins Kenston Invitational

6.0 years ago @ 1:53PM
Game Date
Sep 1, 2018
HILLTOPPERSChardon High School: 1

The girls' cross country team won their second invitational title in as many tries on Saturday at the 23-team Kenston Frank Gibas Inv. Denali Selent (3rd), Bri Nieset (8th), Andi Mann (9th), Lilli Livengood (19th), and Molly Greene (30th) combined for 69 points to easily outdistance Massillon Jackson and Beaumont with 86 and 89 points, respectively. Katie Snyder (35th), Maria Peters (41st), Mila Stropkay (43rd), Morgan Fisher (46th), and Mel Yoger (57th) closed out the varsity unit to give the Toppers ten runners among the top 57 finishers in the 198-runner race.  Sophia Ku placed 3rd and Cantrelle Williams finished 20th to bring home individual awards in the 172-finisher open race. 

Next up for the Hilltoppers is the Walsh Jesuit Invitational next Saturday.
