Hilltopper Athletics

Chardon High School

Girls Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

Topper Girls' XC Sweeps JV and Varsity Titles at Walsh Inv.

6.0 years ago @ 5:01PM
Game Date
Sep 8, 2018
HILLTOPPERSChardon High School: 1

The Lady Hilltoppers dominated Saturday's sloppy Walsh Invitational as they captured both the varsity and JV team championships.

In the JV race, freshmen Morgan Fisher, Mel Yoger, Cantrelle Williams, and Meghan Martin finished 1-2-3-4 to lead the way. Junior Sophia Ku finished 20th to seal the win, while Kara Connolly and Gabby Cross rounded out the outstanding team effort. The Toppers scored 30 points to easily outdistance Stow's 79 in the 15-team race.

The varsity squad was once again led by the terrific trio of Denali Selent, Andi Mann, and Bri Nieset who finished 1-2-3. Lilli Livengood placed 7th and Molly Greene placed 20th to cap the scoring. Lending support were Katie Snyder, Mila Stropkay and Maria Peters as the Toppers scored 33 points to best Aurora's 84 points in the 11-team D-I field. 
