Hilltopper Athletics

Chardon High School

Girls Varsity Cross Country


Lady Hilltoppers' XC Rolls to District Championship -
7.0 years ago

The Chardon girls' XC team executed their race plan perfectly on Saturday, October 21 coming home with the district championship for the first time since 2011 and qualifying for next week's regional meet at Boardman.

Denali Selent captured the individual crown to score a measly 1 point. Behind her, the Toppers' pack patiently worked their way through the field and unleashed furious kicks in the last 800m to secure a comfortable 25-point win over Mentor.  Along with Selent, Thea Sauer, Maria Peters, Mila Stropkay, Molly Greene,and Lilli Livengood all placed among the top 20 finishers to also qualify to the regional as individuals. Natalie Washington was close behind as all seven Chardon girls placed among the top 23 runners in the field. 
