Hilltopper Athletics

Chardon High School

Girls Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

Girls' XC is Runner-Up at Solon Inv.

5.0 years ago @ 9:44AM
Game Date
Aug 24, 2019
HILLTOPPERSChardon High School: 2

Junior Andi Mann ran a PR of 18:46 to place second and lead the Lady Hilltoppers to a team runner-up finish at the Solon Inv. held at the Cleveland Metroparks Polo Field. Mann's time moved her to #5 all-time in Chardon girls' XC history. Soph Morgan Fisher, junior Bri Nieset, soph Katie Snyder, and junior Marijke Mendeszoon all brought home medals and completed the scoring. Mendeszoon's time of 20:56 was a 4-minute PR and moved her onto the CHS all-time top-50 list, checking in at #43. Rounding out the varsity were freshmen Betty McKnight and Sophia Meyer.    
