Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. Strongsville
11.0 years ago @ 4:40PM
- Game Date
- Sep 21, 2013
- Score
- HILLTOPPERSChardon High School: 10
This week at Strongsville, our Varsity girls came in 10th place out of 27 teams! Even with the knowledge of the course running about 20 seconds slow with the wet conditions, the Chardon girls ran hard and had fun in the process! Sam Stansbury came in 5th place individually and Rachel Banks came in 19th! Not all races you can fall into a puddle of water and mud but this meet was one of them. Just walking around the course, your feet would be completely submerged in water or mud, only imagine running 3.1 miles in it! The open race girls came in 12th out of 18 teams and are given much credit running in the later race when the course was even more water-logged. Congratulations ladies and hopefully all of the mud will be gone before next week!
Individual times and places can be found at: